It was written for students ages 13 and up. A younger reading age child could be coached by a parent at home. This course is not just for someone who wants to be a pianist. It provides a grounding in the essential elements of music, invaluable for someone going on to play any instrument or sing.

This is the best possible course for a beginner because right from the start you’ll be reading the notes and playing them on your piano. You need no prior experience of reading music or playing an instrument.

You will need a piano or keyboard. Keyboards are great for the simple reason you can plug in headphones as needed. While bringing music into your home is wonderful most days, there are times that headphones are useful!

Most lessons are broken down into three parts:

  1. Main Lesson in Music Theory
  2. Exercises of that skill
  3. Tunes and parts of songs.

Your user licence allows you to print one copy of each lesson for your personal use. It is recommended to read the Music Theory Lesson on your computer and just print the exercises and tunes to play on your piano keyboard.

Yes! You can be a hands off parent for this course. This is designed for a self-studier and is all encompassing with audios and videos to supplement the lesson in Book 1.

Book 1 has 22 lessons + final tune book and glossary

Book 2 has 21 lessons + final tune book and
combined glossary
Book 3 has 50 lessons + final tune book and
combined glossary

Book 4 has 30 lessons + final tune book and
combined glossary

Each lesson averages an hour.

It is recommended to read the lesson online and print out the exercises and tunes to play. The lessons are formatted to fit on tablets too if desired and can be propped up on your keyboard.

Slow and steady is the best approach for most students. Keep it light however. It is meant to be simple, entertaining and doable. Just master one lesson at a time and you will fly through this course. It’s much more about mastery than speed. Of course you can go at your own pace and some lessons may be just a refresher and you can go more quickly over those. Use your own judgement. You are setting yourself up to fully master the basics of music reading and can take your skill to the next level after that if you desire.

The whole course is 125 lessons. If a lesson is completed every week, that’s two and half years of study and practice. It is an invaluable investment in you or your child’s musicality and skill. It pays dividends in lifelong playing and the rewards you will see for yourself (not to mention the savings in pay-as-you-go lessons!)

It’s best done on a schedule and regularly. Ideally a short period everyday or every other day is best for fast progress. Have an exact beginning and end time as much as possible. Give rewards for practices well done. Doing this course together with your child is great too as you will create more family memories. You can have your child read the lesson out loud and you can help a younger child (under 13) with vocabulary as needed.

Doing the lessons in a group or with a partner is recommended. Students often help each other and end up making music together. If you do once a week like many piano lessons are done, it takes much longer and the student has to constantly refresh and review. It’s better than not doing it at all, but I find two or three 30 minutes practice sessions are best.

OK, so you’ve tried other music courses. Well done for not giving up! This experience will be completely different. Well, for most students the lessons provided much needed clarity on symbols and note reading in a gentle mastery based approach. It will be more smooth sailing if you have done some training already. It is recommended to go from the beginning and continue as fast or slow as needed to cover each concept before going on. You will soon find the level you are at and just continue to build on your skill from there and continue.

We are always happy to help or answer any questions along the way and love to hear from you about your accomplishments in playing as well!
Send queries or comments or successes to ReadPlayMusic@gmail.com

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